Thinking & coding: Studying on FireBase.

This session will be something completely different. I am going to look for a way to load my data into the backend in a simple and fast way. Because if you have to enter all data in Firestore via the console, that won't get you anywhere.

In my search through the FireBase documentation, I came across the following. With the resulting problems.

My data consists of various text elements, but also a image element. Now no images can be added to the database, according to the documentation. If a image is saved in the backend, this will be done in another FireBase service, Firestore. There you have a 'bucket' where you can dump this image data.

So I have to store my photo element 'eventImage' in Firestore and all other 'event ......' elements in the Firebase database. Now there is no information on how to link them both, or I have not found it. At times like this, I am glad that we live with the infinite internet in this day and age. In the past, you could search libraries in search of a good book. Now we are going to open a new tab in the browser from our couch and start searching.

In my opinion I should save the EventImage to the Firestore, and then put the URL of this image in the EventImage database element in the correct document. So I have to manually make the link myself. I find that strange in these times of automation. And especially that both services come from the same software house. So for now we apply this method, because I can't find any other. This is not a job if you have to upload thousands of documents, is it? I don't get it. There must be a way no?

I should like to say that most of the documentation is definitely not written for newbies. Sometimes it all sounds a bit like Latin. So we are going to tackle this problem with a wet finger and with a lot of good cheer.

Maybe it is an idea for a tutorial? If anyone is reading this, making tutorials?

So I don't have any code for this article yet, I have to search further. If anyone has an idea?

So with this I have brought you up to date with the ongoing issue I am dealing with.

If you know a little more than I do, please let me know in the comments.

See you next and hopefully with a decent answer to post about this problem.

Do, believe and be happy,



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