My navigation choice and landing page.

choice of navigation

Now that the colors and background are fixed, I have made a choice of navigation. My analysis showed that all information had to be accessible via all screens and very clear. I then opted for a vertical navigation column on the left side of the screen. With Flutter in mind I am talking about a "Navigation Rail". I also find it very pleasant to work with this principle. After asking friends and acquaintances, they thought this choice was quite good in this case.

an anomaly in our field of vision

From my analysis it follows that I need 5 screens. You can find the analysis here. So in the navigation bar 5 icons. I choose simple icons that fit in with my creative idea. The icons come from the Figma plug-in "icon8" and are square to all other round shapes in the project. this again provides a graphical separation between page and navigation. As a result, when opening the landing page, sooner or later the attention has to go to the icons, because they form an anomaly in our field of vision

play with opacity

The background color of the navigation bar should come from my color palette, but of course I can always play with opacity of this layer and the icons.

This is the result.


The opacity of the icon, where the user is located, is 80% the others 40%. I chose the 80% opacity  because this way the icon becomes softer. There is also a shadow behind the icons of -6x, -6y and "Blur" 12. The background of the navigation bar also has an opacity of 80%. This creates an impression that the other parts of any animation are deeper than the bar. This matches the shadows I used with most of the background and text elements.

The text on the landing or welcome page is simple and clear. With a small explanation about the navigation. No uncataloged information on this page.

I have also placed a photo on this page that should roughly represent what the city radiates. Again with the round shapes that will return further in the project. This is of course a purely creative choice.

I'd love to hear what you think in the comment section.

In the next post I will talk about following pages and their parts.

Do, believe and be happy,



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